On behalf of the Communication History division of ICA, we're pleased to
announce the schedule for our preconference “Communications and the
State: Toward a New International History,” to be held on Thursday, May
21, 2015 in San Juan, Puerto Rico. (The larger ICA conference runs from
May 21-25.)
The preconference includes 24 papers by emerging and established
scholars examining connections between communications and states from
many different perspectives. (See the detailed schedule below.) The
papers range from national to transnational in scale, cover a variety of
communications media, and present a wide diversity in temporal and
geographic scope.
In our closing plenary, three highly regarded scholars (Daniel Hallin,
Richard John and Adrian Johns) will assess the current state of
scholarship in this many-sided field.
We hope members of the ICA Communication History division and ICA
members generally will join us for what promises to be a stimulating and
memorable day.
The registration fee is $85 (U.S.), and the preconference will be held
at the Condado Hilton, a 15-minute walk from the main conference hotel.
To register for the preconference, click here:
We hope to see you there!
Michael Stamm, Gene Allen
ICA Communication History division
Preconference schedule:
Communications and the State: Towards a New International History
May 21, 2015
Condado Hilton Hotel, San Juan, Puerto Rico
8:30 a.m.: Welcome
8:40-10:00: Communications and the state in the early modern era
The Cotswold Olimpick Games: Sport, Politics and Faith in early
modern England, Mark Brewin (The University of Tulsa, Oklahoma, United
States) -
Three thirteenth-century travel accounts of missions to the Far
East, Kathryn Montalbano (Columbia University, New York, United States) -
A Republic Run as a Chamber of Commerce: The Role of the State in
Structuring Communications in Renaissance Venice, Juraj Kittler (St.
Lawrence University, New York, United States) -
The Post Office and State Formation in World Historical Time, Lane
Harris (Furman University, South Carolina, United States)
10:00-10:15: Coffee
10:15-11:35: Communication networks — mail, telegraph, telephone
Communications and the States: The Swiss Influence on the origins of
ITU, 1855-1876, Gabriele Balbi (Università della Svizzera italiana,
Lugano, Switzerland), Simone Fari, Giuseppe Richeri. -
Mail Order Fraud, Postal Inspectors, and the Remaking of Consumer
Capitalism in the United States, 1850-1900, Rick Popp (University of
Wisconsin-Milwaukee, United States) -
Media of Resistance: Organizing the Anti-Colonial Movements in the
Dutch East Indies, 1920-1927, Rianne Subijanto (University of Colorado
Boulder, United States) -
International Copyright and Access to Education: A History, Sara
Bannerman (McMaster University, Hamilton, Canada)
11:35-12:40 p.m.: Lunch (participants provide their own lunch)
12:40-2 p.m.:
International Dimensions of Broadcasting and the State
News and Propaganda in the Cold War: Associated Press and the Voice
of America, 1945-1952, Gene Allen (Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada) -
Colonization through Broadcasting: Rádio Clube de Moçambique and the
Promotion of Portuguese Colonial Policy, Nelson Ribeiro (Catholic
University of Portugal, Lisbon, Portugal) -
A House Divided: The SABC during World War Two, Ruth Teer-Tomaselli
(University KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa) -
Subsidizing Content and Conduit: Global Wireless Communications and
the State, Heidi Tworek (Harvard University, Massachusetts, United States)
Communications and the State: The Case of Germany
A Story of Transition and Failure? The State and the East German
Media Reform 1989-1991, Mandy Tröger (University of Illinois at
Urbana-Champaign, United States) -
Presence and Absence: The Berlin Wall as a Strategic Platform,
Samantha Oliver (University of Pennsylvania, United States) -
Heads of State as Communicators “ A Comparative Analysis of State of
the Union Addresses of American Presidents and * Regierungserklärungen
of German Chancellors since 1945/49, Thomas Birkner (Westfälische
Wilhelms-Universität Münster, Münster, Germany) -
The Necessary Restraints of National Security: Cold War U.S.
Government-Journalism Negotiations and the Communist Reaction, Mike
Conway (Indiana University, United States) and Kevin Grieves (Ohio
University, United States)
2 p.m.-2:15: Coffee
The State and Infrastructure
How the French State did not Construct Nicholas Schöffer's Tour
Lumière Cybernétique?, Dominuque Trudel, New York University, United
States) -
The phantom of the phone booth: Toward a material and cultural
history of the telephone in Israel, Rivka Ribak, Michele Rosenthal and
Sharon Ringel (University of Haifa, Israel) -
Minitel and the State, Julien Mailland (Indiana University, United
States) and Kevin Driscoll (Microsoft Research, United States) -
Connected and Divided: Satellite Networks as Infrastructures of Live
Television, Christine Evans (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, United
States) and Lars Lundgren (Södertörn University, Sweden)
The State and Communication Across Borders
Media, Communications and the State in the Nordic Region: The History
of the Media Welfare State Trine Syvertsen and Gunn Enli (University of
Oslo, Norway), Ole J. Mjøs and Hallvard Moe (University of Bergen, Norway) -
'Home Is Where Your Heart Is': Mediated Longing for the State,
Ekaterina Kalinina (Södertörn University, Sweden) and Manuel Menke
(Augsburg University, Germany) -
Theorizing Political Communication Policies, Tim Vos (University of
Missouri, United States) -
Commercial cross-border radio: Popular culture, advertising, and the
erosion of state communication power in comparative perspective:
Britain, India and America,“ John Jenks (Dominican University, United States)
3:45-5:00: Closing plenary: The State of the Field
Daniel Hallin (University of California, San Diego)
Richard John (Columbia University)
Adrian Johns (University of Chicago)
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