You can now [view the online schedule](/precon/preconference-schedule/) and [register](/precon/) for the CHIG-sponsored preconference [Historiography as Intervention](/precon/), organized by [Travers Scott]( and [Devon Powers](

The [precon](/precon/) will be held May 24, 2012, from 8:30-17:30 at the conference hotel, the Phoenix Sheraton Downtown, in Phoenix, Arizona, USA.

The day’s planned events include:

– Keynote address by [Anna Everett](, Professor of Film and Media Studies, University of California at Santa Barbara
– Invited scholar panel, “What Counts as Communication History?” featuring [Norma Coates](, Associate Professor, Don Wright Faculty of Music and Faculty of Information and Media Studies, University of Western Ontario; [Robert McChesney](, Gutsgell Professor of Communication, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign; and [David Serlin](, Associate Professor of Communication, University of California San Diego
– Interactive Korsakow System documentary by [Mary Elizabeth Luka](
– Paper presentations from South Africa, Israel, Mexico, Canada, and the United States on recovered histories, critical practice, policy engagements, and interdisciplinarity

You can view the schedule and find registration instructions [here](/precon/)